Soundhealing isn’t a new healing modality but has its roots in the depth of the centuries, with many ancient civilizations, using sounds and music for healing, meditation, or for ceremonies.
Soundhealing was one of the most important therapeutical methods used in Asklipieia in ancient Greece and was extensively used throughout the ancient Greek medical practice.
The famous Greek poet Omiros was suggesting soundhealing to relieve from emotions like anger, sadness and fear. Ηe was saying that music is a healthy entertainment that uplifts soul mind and body.
Plato was mentioning the connection between soul and body, and was considering that music is for the spirit what gymnastics is for the body. He had created also compositions of sounds and melodies to help relieve from psychological challenges like depression.
Pythagoras the 6th century B.C. was using already sounds for healing purposes.
In China and Tibet have been using for centuries musical instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, Gongs and other cymbals for healing, meditation and in different ceremonies.
Sound is a form of vibration. Vibration is the movement of energy through space and time. Everything in the Universe is in constant movement, vibrating in its own frequency and everything is interconnected. Like that, each one of us has its own unique frequency. This vibration is the product of all the procedures that rule our physical body and subtle bodies.
Every healthy organ and cell of our body transmits a frequency; any change of this frequency can mean disharmony, or the manifestation of an illness
Healing is the ways and means used to face an illness, so that our system comes back into harmony. Harmony is the symmetry of the parts of the whole with the whole. Taking in concern the above we can say that Soundhealing as a holistic therapeutical system is assisting the person to balance his vibration, or better balance his energy.
The humans we are extremely sensitive beings to sound. The sense of hearing is one of the first senses developed in the fetus already from the 18th week of pregnancy. Although we perceive sounds through the sense of hearing there are sounds beyond our acoustic spectrum 20-20000Hz that can have a major impact on our wellbeing, and apart from perceiving sounds through the sense of hearing we can feel the vibrations of sound through our skin. If we consider that we are made 60-70% out of water and water is a good conductor of sound, sound waves can travel through our body and affect us in a cellular level. Our organs, our cells have to work well like an orchestra, to support our wellbeing and everything responds well to sound.
Our brain produces waves from the stimuli of the electric activity that take place in all the nervous system. This electric activity appears and develops in the form of brainwaves, the types of these brainwaves are defined by the frequency of their pulse, characterizing each different state of our brain. Modern science through electroencephalography EEG biofeedback technology has identified these brainwaves frequencies depending on the psychosomatic state we are into (state of sleep, meditation, focus, concentration etc.) and has categorized them in 5 distinct categories:
Brainwave frequencies Gamma (25-100Hz), Beta (13-24) associated with increased focus and concentration , Alpha(8-12) associated with relaxed states of consciousness, Theta(4-7) associated with drowsy sleep and deep states of meditation, Delta (0.1-4) deep sleep. There are many scientific studies that provide clear evidence that therapeutic sounds through sympathetic resonance can help alter states of consciousness help the body heal, and transform the self.
According to a study from the medical school of Harvard, 60-80% of the physical challenges relates to chronic stress and suppressed emotions. Stress, suppressed and negative emotions create obstacles in the healthy flow of energy making our bodies decline from the harmony of their vibration and illness can appear. The healing frequencies of musical instruments like Tuning forks, Crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, Gongs through resonance can heal and bring our system back to harmony.
During a soundhealing session we use sound in combination with intention and the quality of unconditional love to direct sounds where it is needed, like that we increase our frequency and boost our self healing abilities.
‘The one who understands the mystery of sound, knows the mystery of the whole Universe’ Hazrat Inayat Khan